Friday, October 19, 2012

Health Update

Once again, I am battling a blood clot. Thankfully it is going away, so I avoided a 4th surgery, but to say I am frustrated is putting it mildly. Missing school is overwhelming and stressful, and every time I get a clot, I have to be away from classroom for at least a couple of days. I am super thankful, however, that I have great family, friends, and co-workers who support me in any way they can. The doctors are running a bunch of tests on me to figure out the cause, so I am hopeful we will be able to put a stop to all of this soon. In the meantime, I got fitted to wear an event monitor for a month. It is slightly annoying to wear 24/7 (and I haven't had it for more than a few hours), but I am sure I will get used to it. I am excited to give it a "run" for its money in a short while. 

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