Monday, August 15, 2011

Getting Anxious

In five short days, I will be running my second half marathon. How am I feeling? Nervous, Anxious, Excited, and Pleased. Am I allowed to admit that last one?

I am nervous because I REALLY REALLY want to meet my time goal, which is to finish in under two hours. I don't care if if I finish in 1:59.59. I just want to see a one and not a two. My last long run went amazingly well, so I am hopeful. I am, however, trying to not focus on the time too much. Will I be disappointed if I am slower than that? FOR SURE. But, I know that merely training and running 13.1 miles while having two small children is an accomplishment. I have also raised money for an incredible cause. I am honored to run in support of World Vision, and I am super thankful that friends and family have donated on my behalf. Click here to visit my fundraising page.

Fundraising has also left me anxious. I have not quite met my goal yet, and I want to make sure that I do. I only have a little over one hundred dollars left, so hopefully by Sunday I can make it! I am also anxious because I know that many friends and family members are holding me accountable for this race. I want to have fun, but I also want to make sure I do a good job! The weather for race day is also causing me anxiety. Praying that the predicted weather is true!

I am excited for so many things come race day. I am thrilled to be able to pray for my sponsors. Most of my forearms will be covered in names, and I am stoked to send up so many prayers for some amazing people. My favorite part of last year's race was the amount of spectators. Last year (and I am assuming this year will be the same) my name was on my race bib, so people I didn't even know would cheer for me and yell out my name. My family and a few friends also came out for the race, and their presence was crucial to my success. I can't wait to wave to Griffin and Grayson! I am also excited for the post-race fun. While I won't be drinking the free beer, I know that I will take part in some of the other festivities. Lastly, I am BEYOND excited to celebrate with my dear friend Holly. This is her first half marathon, and she has done an incredible job with training in the midst of some of some pretty difficult stuff. I can't wait to give her a BIG sweaty hug at the finish line :)

And if I am honest, I am pleased with what training has done for me. Training has been hard at times, especially with school and two small kids. Yet, during the 18 weeks of my two training guides, I only missed two runs. And technically, if you count the extra times I ran during my little competition back in May, I didn't miss any :) I am also so pleased with the amount of prayer/quiet time running has afforded me. I rarely get alone time, but running has thrust quite a bit of "me time" into my life. It is amazing how much thinking and praying one can get done during an hour long run. I even drafted a five page paper during one of my runs. (In my head of course.) So, while I plan to take a week off from running, I know that I will continue. I LOVE going on runs with Griffin, and I am forever addicted to the Runner's High after completing a good, hard run.

FIVE more days. I can do it!

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