Thursday, August 11, 2016

Happy 10th Birthday, Griffin!!!

Yes. I am a broken record. I know. But seriously. HOW IS MY CHILD TEN YEARS OLD??? How in the world is he about to enter his LAST year of elementary school?

At ten, Griffin still loves soccer, running, tennis, and more recently FOOTBALL!!! This man is in LOVE with the Packers, and I anticipate a full season of being glued to games on the tv. My hopes it to one day take him to a Packers Game, but for now we will cheer from home :)

At ten, Griffin has also set out to change the world. This year has brought us his TEN, TEN, TEN challenge, and so far it is going incredibly well. Tonight he will run a 10K on his birthday, and he gave up birthday presents in exchange for donations. His compassion for others is inspiring; I am blessed to share this TWV journey with him.

I don't want to believe it, but he is ten. He is a ten year old with an INCREDIBLE heart, a passion for all things sports, and a love for reading. He is a joy and a delight to parent, and I am incredibly lucky to be his mom.